Saturday, 29 October 2011

Recruitment Of System Assistants At Allahabad High Court And District Courts Of Uttar Pradesh – October 2011

Applications are invited for the recruitment of System Assistants at Allahabad High Court and District Courts of Uttar Pradesh under E-Court Project on contract basis.
E-Court Project is a mission mode project under National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) for computerization of Courts under the guidance of E-Committee of Supreme Court of India and implementing of Information Communication Technology (ICT) System in the Courts.
System Assistant
Number of vacancies : 68 which may increase or decrease
Salary : Rs.6,800/- per month (Fixed)
Educational Qualifications : Intermediate/HSC with minimum one year Diploma in Computer Sc. / Information Technology or equivalent from Government recognized University/Institution with at least 50% marks in aggregate or equivalent grade with good knowledge of maintenance / troubleshooting of computer hardware / software / network.
Job Responsibilities :
  • To assist System Officer in maintenance / troubleshooting of ICT infrastructure such as servers, computers, laptops, scanners, printers, LAN, Internet Connectivity, communication equipment such as switches, modems, etc in coordination with the concerned service providers.
  • Such other technical support/ duties as assigned by the High Court/District Court from time to time.
Important Instruction:
Age limit: Between 21 and 35 years as on July 1, 2011.
Term of employment:on contract basis upto March 31, 2012 which may increase or decrease. Depending upon the requirement and performance of incumbent, the period of employment on contract basis may be further renewed after review. Regular review will be done to evaluate the satisfactory performance.
Candidates must apply online only between Oct. 20, 2011 and Oct. 31, 2011 at the link available in the official website of Allahabad High Court ( No other mode of application will be accepted. Candidates should ensure to read “HOW TO APPLY” instructions before proceeding to apply online and must
  1. Scan their color passport size photograph, signature, SSC or equivalent certificate as proof of date of birth and consolidated (final) marks-sheet of Intermediate & Diploma as image in (.jpg/.jpeg) file format.
  2. Have a valid personal Email Id that should be kept active till the finishing of this round of recruitment under E-Court Project.
Recruitment Process:
Eligible short-listed candidate will be required to appear in written test and interview on Nov. 26, 2011 Candidate must bring printout of application applied online, Original Marks-sheet, Testimonials and two colour Photographs at the time of Written Test/ Interview. List of eligible candidates shall be published on the official Web-site of Allahabad High Court ( in 3rd week of Nov. 2011. No individual intimation shall be given to the candidate.

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Recruitment In Delhi Police For 2622 Posts Of Constables – October 2011

Applications are invited from Indian Nationals to fill up 2622 vacant posts of Temporary Constable (Exe.)-Male in Delhi Police:
Constable (Executive) Male
  • Number of vacancies: 2622 posts (SC-402, ST-201, OBC-708, UR-1311)
  • Pay Scale: PB-1 Rs. 5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs.2000/-
  • Age: 18 to 21 years as on 01/07/2011, relaxation in age for reserved categories as per rules.
  • Qualification: 10+2 / Senior Secondary with LMV Driving License.
  • Application Fee : Rs.100/- in the form of Bank DD/ Banker’s Cheque drawn in favor of DCP/ Recruitment Cell, New Police Lines, Delhi. No fee from SC/ST/Ex-SM candidates.
Last Date of receipt of application: 25.11.2011

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Central Bank Specialist-Officers vacancy Oct-2011

Central Bank of India
Recruitment & Promotions Division, Human Resource Central Office, Chander Mukhi, Nariman Point, Mumbai – 400 021

Recruitment of Specialist Category Officers  

Central Bank of India, a leading Public Sector Bank, invites applications from Indian Citizens for appointment of following Specialist Officers posts :

  1. Information Technology (IT) Officer : 70 posts in JMG-I Scale
  2. Agriculture Finance Officer : 400 posts in JMG-I Scale
  3. Rajbhasha Adhikari (Hindi Officer) : 20 posts in JMG-I Scale
  4. Law Officer : 43 posts  in MMG-II Scale
  5. Security Officer : 33 posts in MMG-II Scale

    How to Apply : Apply  Online at Central Bank website up to 25/11/2011.

    Please visit Career section of Central Bank of India website  at for details and online submission of application from 05/11/2011 onwards.

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    UPSC CDS Examination-I 2012

    Shahjahan Road, New Delhi

    Combined Defence Services Examination (CDS) (I), 2012 including SSC (Women Non-Technical) Course

    The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will hold the Combined Defence Services Examination (CDS) (I), 2012 on 12th February, 2012 for admission to Indian Military Academy, Naval Academy amd Air force Academy and Officers Training Academy, Chennai for the cources (Men and Women.

    Vacancies : 

    1. Indian Military Academy, Dehradun : 250 posts
    2. Naval Academy, Goa : 40 posts
    3. Air Force Academy, Hyderabad : 32 posts
    4. Officers Training Academy , Chennai : 175 posts
    5. Officers Training Academy, Chennai (Women) : 30 posts

    Conditions of Eligibility

    (A) Age Limits, Sex and Marital Status:
    1. For Indian Millitary Academy : Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd January, 1989 and not later than 1st January 1994 only are eligible.
    2. For Naval Academy : Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd January, 1991 (2nd January, 1988 in case of NCC Naval wing 'C' certificate holders) and not later than 1st January 1994 only are eligible.
    3. For Air Force Academy : Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd January, 1990 and not later than 1st January 1994 only are eligible.
    4. For Officers' Training Academy - (SSC Course for Men) : Male candidates (Unmarried or Married) born not earlier than 2nd January, 1988 and not later than 1st January 1994 only are eligible.
    5. For Officers Training Academy - SSC (Women Non- Technical) Course :  (a) Unmarried Women, issue less widows who have not remarried, and issue less divorcees (in possession of divorcee documents) who have not remarried are eligible. They should have been not earlier than 2nd January, 1988 and not later than 1st January, 1994.
    (B) Educational Qualifications:
    1. For Indian Millitary Academy and Officers' Training Academy : Degree of a recognised university or equivalent.
    2. For Naval Academy : B.Sc. (with Physics & Mathematics ) or Bachelor of Engineering.
    3. For Air Force Academy: Degree of a recognised university (with Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level) or Bachelor of Engineering
    4. Candidates who are studying in final year Degree Course and yet to pass final year degree examination or equivalent examination can also apply for the Examination, but they will be required to submit proof of passing the Degree Examination or equivalent examination by the specified dates.
    (C) Physical Standards: candidates must be physically fit according to the physical standards for admission to combined Defence Services Examination (CDS) (II), 2011 as prescribed in the detailed advertisement.

    Fee : Candidates (excepting Female/SC/ST candidates) are required to pay a fee of Rs. 100/- either by remitting the money in any Branch of SBI by cash, or by using net banking facility of SBI or by using Visa/
    Master Credit/ Debit Card..

    How to Apply :  Candidate must apply online at up to 28/11/2011 11.59 pm.

    Complete details and other information are available at the commission website at OR please see Employment News dated 29/11/2011

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    Technical Assistant jobs in CDRI Oct-2011

    (Council for Scientifc and Industrial Research - CSIR)Chattar Manzil Palace, Lucknow - 226001

    Applications are invited from Indian Citizen in prescribed forms for the following posts in CDRI, Lucknow :
      • Technical Assistant : 16 posts in various trades, Pay Scale : Rs. 9300 - 34800 grade pay Rs. 4200, Age : 28 years 
      How to Apply : Applications in prescribed format duly completed and supported by necessary documents should reach to Director, Central Drug Research Institute, Chattar Manzil Palace, Post Box No 173, Lucknow - 226001 on or before 30/11/2011 positively.

      Complete Advertisement and application form be made available at

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      CDRI Technician jobs Oct-2011

      (Council for Scientifc and Industrial Research - CSIR)Chattar Manzil Palace, Lucknow - 226001
      Applications are invited from Indian Citizen in prescribed forms for the following posts in CDRI, Lucknow :
        • Technician  (1) : 05 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 grade pay Rs. 1900, Age : 28 years
        How to Apply : Applications in prescribed format duly completed and supported by necessary documents should reach to Director, Central Drug Research Institute, Chattar Manzil Palace, Post Box No 173, Lucknow - 226001 on or before 18/11/2011 positively.

        Complete Advertisement and application form available at

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        RPSC Assistant-Professor and Demonstrator vacancy Oct-2011

        Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC)

        Recruitment for Assistant Professors/ Senior Demonstrator in Medical  Education Department in Rajasthan 

        RPSC invites Online application for the posts of Assistant Professor in various Medical subjects and Sr. Demonstrators posts in Medical Health Department in Rajasthan Government :

        • Assistant Professor in various Medical disciplines : 12 posts, Pay Scale : PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs.6600/-, Age : 37 years
        • Senior Demonstrator in various Medical disciplines : 01 post, Pay Scale : PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs.5400/-, Age : 37 years
        How to Apply : Apply Online at RPSc website on or before 24/11/2011 12.00 midnight.

        Information : For complete information please view and  apply online at

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        Mecon requires HR Professionals Oct-2011

        (A PSU under Ministry of Steel, Govt. of India)

        Mecon Limited requires HR Professionals 

        • HR Professionals  : 04 posts

        How to Apply : Interested candidates may apply with complete CV highlighting specific experience in relevant field to General Manager (P & A), MECON Limited, P.O. Doranda, Ranchi – 834002 on or before 04/11/2011.
          Please view document  for further details and application format is available at

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          Faculty jobs in CAU Imphal Oct-2011

          Central Agricultural University (CAU)
          Imphal - 795004

          Applications in the prescribed form are invited for following posts :

          • Director : 01 post
          • Dy. Director : 03 posts
          • Dy. Registrar (Academic) : 01 post
          • Dy. Registrar (Establishment) : 01 post
          • Assistant Architect : 01 post
          • Dean : 04 posts
          • Professor : 05 posts in different subjects
          • Associate Professor : 44 posts in different subjects
          • Assistant Professor :  08 posts in different subjects

          Pay Scale : Director - PB-4 Rs.37400-67000 Grade Pay Rs.10000/-, Dy. Director - Rs.15600- 39100 grade pay Rs. 8000/-, Dean/ Professor - PB-4 Rs.37400-67000 Grade Pay Rs.10000/-, Associate Professor - PB-4 Rs.37400-67000 Grade Pay Rs.9000/-, Assistant Professor - PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs.6000, Assistant Architect - PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs.5400, Dy. Registrar - PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs.7600

          How to Apply :  The duly completed applicaiton from in prescribed format with prescribed fee of Rs.600/- (Rs.300 for SC/ ST/ PH) in the form of IPO/DD drawn in favour of the Comptroller, Central Agricultural University payable at Imphal should reach the Office of the Registrar, Central Agricultural University, Imphal or Liason Officer ,CAU, Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan - II, Pusa, New Delhi-110012 on or before05/12/2011.

          Please visit for details and application form.

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          Faculty and other jobs in AIISH Mysore Oct-2011

          All Indian Institute of Speech and Hearing (AIISH)
          Naimisham Campus, Manasagangothri, Mysore – 570006

          Director, AIISH, Mysore invites the application for the following posts  :

          1. Professor :  02 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 GP Rs.7600 + NPA
          2. Reader : 04 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 GP Rs.6600 + NPA for Medical subjects
          3. Assistant Audit Officer (IAC) :  01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800 with GP Rs.4600
          4. Clinical Supervisor : 03 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800 with GP of Rs.4200 /-
          5. Clinical Assistant : 02 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800 GP Rs.4200
          6. Research Assistant : 02 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800 GP Rs.4200
          7. Speech-Language Pathologist Gr.II : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800 GP 4200/-
          8. Junior Technical Officer : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 with GP Rs.2800
          9. Assistant Medical Records Officer : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 with GP Rs.2800
          10. Ear Mould Technician : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 with GP Rs.2800
          11.  Multi Rehabilitation Worker : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 with GP Rs.2400
          12. Driver Gr.II :  01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 with GP Rs.1900

          Fee : Application fee is Rs. 400/- for General Category candidates and Rs. 100/- for candidates belonging to SC/ST Categories. The application fee is payable by way of cash in case the application is obtained in person or by way of DD favoring Director, AIISH payable at Mysore.

          How to Apply : Filled in application forms in the prescribed format should be sent in a sealed cover superscribed “Application for the post of …………….” to the Director All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Manasagangothri, Mysore -  570006 on or before 28/11/2011.
          Please view for more information and application format is available at

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          Friday, 28 October 2011

          IMTECH, Chandigarh / Recruitment for Scientists / Oct.,2011

          (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)
          Sector 39-A, Chandigarh – 160 036, INDIA
          IMTECH Website:
          The Institute of Microbial Technology (IMTECH) is a constituent R&D establishment of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). Applications for Scientific positions for following positions are invited by the institute, which is engaged in research in many different areas of modern biological sciences and microbe-related biotechnology, with special emphasis on research and development of an interdisciplinary nature :
          Eligibility Criteria:
          Post No: 1 – Principal/Senior Principal Scientist – 4 posts
          Pay Scale: Rs.37400-67000, Grade Pay: Rs. 8700/- & Rs. 8900/-* (T.E. Rs.88000/- & Rs.95000/-approx.)
          Upper Age limit : 45/50 Years
          Post No: 2 – Senior Scientist – 5 posts
          Pay Scale: Rs. 15600-39100, Grade Pay: Rs. 7600/- (Total emoluments Rs. 58000/- approx.)
          *(The Selection Committee depending upon the performance of the candidate may choose to place the candidate in any of the Grade pay within Pay Band-3 subject to meeting the minimum eligibility criteria).
          Upper Age limit : 37 Years
          Post No: 3 – Scientist (Instrumentation) – 02 posts (Both reserved for – OBC (carried forward)
          Pay Scale: Rs.15600-39100, Grade Pay: Rs. 6600/- (Total emoluments Rs. 48000/- approx.)
          Upper Age limit : 32 Years.
          Post No. 4 – Scientist (Veterinarian) -01 post (Reserved for OBC (carried forward)
          Pay Scale: Rs.15600-39100, Grade Pay: Rs. 6600/-(Total emoluments Rs. 48000/- approx.)
          Upper Age limit : 32 Years.
          How to Apply: Application forms can be directly downloaded from Completed applications in all respects, in the prescribed form accompanied by attested copies of certificates, testimonials in support of age, educational qualifications, experience, etc. mentioned in the application, along with non-refundable application fee of Rs.100/- (US$25 in case of candidates applying from abroad) for general and OBC category candidates (No application fee for Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates/PWDs candidates and regular employees of CSIR), by means of DD (issued by State Bank of India only except for the candidates applying from abroad), drawn in favour of the “Director, IMT, Chandigarh”, should be sent to Administrative Officer, Institute of Microbial Technology, Sector 39-A, Chandigarh-160 036 so as to reach on or before 20th December, 2011.
          To know more about IMTECH, visit us at  the IMTECH

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          NEW DELH1- 110012
          One Senior Research Fellow (SRF) under the NAIP Sub Project entitled “Decision Support System for
          Enhancing Productivity in Irrigated Saline Environment using Remote Sensing, Modeling and GIS” will be recruited to work at Water Technology Centre, IARI, New Delhi – 110 012.
          Name of the Post; Research Fellow
          (one post)
          Emoluments per month Rs. 16000/-plus HRA and as per ICAR rule
          Walk in interview for the above positions will be held on 15
          th November 2011 at 10.00 AM in the Committee Room of the Water Technology Centre, IARI, New Delhi-110012.
          Candidates may appear for walk-ininterview along with bio-data, reprints of publications, thesis, reports etc., and passport size attested photos, original and attested photocopies of all certificates, mark sheets, degrees and testimonials. Candidates should bring a copy of bio-data, original certificates, reprints of publications if any and No Objection and experience certificate from the current employer in case he/she is in employment.
          The applicant may submit their resume for preliminary screening with publication details or for any details regarding this advertisement to Dr. A. Sarangi,
          Senior Scientist, WTC, IARI, New Delhi; E-mail or

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          Indian Agricultural Research Institute
          Regional Station, Wellington -643 231,
          The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu
          Ph: 0423-2234796, Fax: 0423-2230463
          Employment Notice
          The principal investigator/Co-Principal Investigators intend to recruit One Junior Research Fellow(JRF) in BRNS (Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences) funded project purely on contractual basis. Details of the positions are given below:
          Project title and name of the Principal Investigator (PI)/Co-Principal Investigator(Co-PI’s)
          Molecular characterization of Triticum dicoccum-derived rust resistance wheat lines and reducing the linkage drag through irradiation.
          PI: Dr.M.Sivasamy, Co-PI’s: Dr P.Jayapraksh, Dr.V.K.Vikas and Dr Jagdish Kumar
          Duration of the Project: 3 years.
          Age limit: Maximum age 35 years (age relaxation of five years for SC/ST and women and three years for OBC candidates)
          Essential qualification: M.Sc(Ag) in Plant Breeding/ Genetics/ PB&G, Plant Biotechnology, Molecular Biology/ Life Sciences (Plant)
          Desirable: Minimum 2 years of research experience in the field of molecular marker and working knowledge of computer.
          Emoluments: Rs.16,000 fixed shall be awarded per month.
          The interview of eligible candidates for the above posts will be held on 16/11/2011 at 9.30AM at IARI, Regional Station, Wellington – 643 231. Interested candidates satisfying the essential qualifications may come for the interview with a copy of the bio-data, original and attested copies of all certificates, recent copy of passport size photograph, etc.,. The above posts are purely temporary and will be filled on contractual basis initially for a period of one year but may be extended on year to year basis based on performance of the candidates.
          The candidates shall not claim for regular appointment at this institute, as the posts are co-terminus with the respective projects. No TA/ DA will be paid for attending the interview. Only the candidates having essential qualification would be entertained for the interview.
          IARI – Regional Station,

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          Wednesday, 26 October 2011

          MPPKVVCL IT and HR Jobs Oct-2011

          M.P. Paschim Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Compnay Limited (MPPKVVCL)
          (A wholly owned Govt. of MP Undertaking)
          GPH Campus, Pologround, Indore - 452003 (MP)

          Recruitment of Assistant Engineer (Electrical - Distribution) 

          MPPKVVCL intends to recruit Manager HR & IT and Assistant Manager HR & IT and invites applications from the eligible candidates :

          1. Manager HR : 05 posts
          2. Manager IT : 05 posts
          3. Assistant Manager HR : 19 posts
          4. Assistant Manager IT : 18 posts

          Age : 21-30 years 

          How to Apply :  Apply Online at MPPKVVCL website from 25/10/20110 to 09/11/2011 only.

          Please view for detailed information and link to submit online applications is available at

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          Assistant Teachers recruitment in Jharkhan by JAC Oct-2011

          Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC)
          Gyandeep Campus, Bargawan, Namkum, Ranchi - 834010

          Recruitment of Assistant Teachers in Secondary Schools by JAC : 

          • Assistant Teachers : 2513 posts  in various subject, Age : 21-40 years

          Application Fee : Rs.750/- (Rs.375/- for SC/ST) in the form of bank DD in favour of Jharkhand Academic Council fund payable at Ranchi.

          How to Apply :  Application in the prescribed format should bse send on or before 25/11/2011 to Secretary,  Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC), Gyandeep Campus, Bargawan, Namkum, Ranchi - 834010, Jharkhand

          Please view for details and application format is available at

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          Jobs in Punjabi University Oct-2011

          Punjabi University
          Patiala, Punjab

          Applications on prescribed form are invited for the following posts so as to reach the Deputy Registrar (Establishment) Punjabi University, Patiala-147002 by 02/11/2011 :

          1. Programmer : 01 post
          2. Technical Assistant : 01 post
          3. Assistant Professor : 05 posts in different subject

          Please view 

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          Jobs in Himachal University Shimla Oct-2011

          Himachal Pradesh University (HPU)
          Shimla-171005 (HP)

          Applications on prescribed form along with a crossed Indian Postal Order of Rs.400/- payable to the Finance Officer, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla-171005, are invited for following Teaching / Non-teaching posts so as to reach Assistant Registrar, Recruitment Section, H.P. University, Shimla-171005 by 25/11/2011 :

          1. Professor cum Director : 03 posts, Pay Scale Rs.37400 - 67000 + AGP 10000
          2. Director : 06 posts,  Pay Scale :  Rs. 37400-67000 +AGP 10000
          3. Professors : 28 posts in various subjects, Pay Scale :  Rs. 37400-67000 + AGP 10000
          4. Associate Professor : 62 posts in various subjects, Pay Scale : Rs. 37400-67000 + AGP 9000
          5. Assistant Professor : 88 posts in various subjects, Pay Scale :  Rs. 15600-39100 + AGP 6000
          6. Principal : 01 posts in School of Legal Studies (from Law Stream), Pay Scale : Rs. 37400 - 67000 + AGP 9000
          7. Programmer : 04 post, Pay Scale : Rs.8000-13500 un-revised.
          8. Assistant Professor/ Coaches : 10 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100 + AGP 6000 (Volley Ball - 2 (Men/ Women), Athletics—1, Kabbadi—1 (ST), Badminton—1, Football—1, Hockey - 1, Table Tennis - 1, Basket Ball—1 and Cricket - 1 (SC)) 
          9. Dean of Colleges-cum-Director, College Development Council (CDC) : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs. 37400 - 67000 + AGP 10000
          10. Librarian : 01 post, Pay Scale Rs. 37400-67000 + AGP 10000
          11. Medical Officer (GDO-II) : 02 posts (male) for HPU Health Centre, Pay Scale  : Rs. 15600 - 39100 + GP 5400
          12. Information Scientist (Library) : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs. 2200 - 4000 (UGC)
          13. Information Officer for Department of Bio-Technology : 01 post  (on contract basis)., Pay Scale : Rs. 8000-13500 
          14. System Manager : 01 post  for COE Wing (on contract basis Rs.12000/-+50%DP) unrevised.
          15. Assistant Librarian : 01 post, for HPU Regional Centre Dharamshala (On Contract Basis Rs. 15600 - 39100 + AGP 6000) 
          16. Assistant Librarian : 01 post for University School of Legal Studies, HPU, Shimla-4, Pay Scale Rs. 15600 - 39100 + AGP 6000

          Please view for detailed information.

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          Jobs in IRDA Insurance Information Bureau Oct-2011

          Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA)
          3rd Floor, Parishram Bhavan, Basheer Bagh, Hyderabad-500004

          Applications are invited for the following posts in the Insurance Information Bureau (IIB), Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority, Hyderabad :

          1. Sr. Joint Director / Joint Director (IT) : 01 posts 
          2. Deputy Director (IT) : 02 posts
          3. Deputy Director (Life) : 01 post
          4. Deputy Director (Non-Life) : 01 post
          5. Deputy Director (Health) : 01 post
          6. Assistant Director (IT) : 04 posts
          7. Assistant Director (Life) : 01 post
          8. Assistant Director (Non-Life) : 01 post
          9. Assistant Director (Health) : 01 post

          How to Apply : Applications in the prescribed format completed in all respect must be send in a closed envelope on or before 20/11/2011 to :

          The Executive Director (Administration), Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority 3rd floor, Parisrama Bhavanam , Basher Bagh Hyderabad – 500004

          For more information and application form, please visit  

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