Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Vacancies in Rajiv Gandhi Centre For Biotechnology – May 2011

Rajiv Gandhi Centre For Biotechnology (RGCB) has issued notification at their site www.rgcb.res.in for filling up following positions – No. RGCB/ADVT/2011/01.


Core Positions:
1. Manager (Technical Services- DNA Sequencing).
2. Manager (Technical Services- Instrumentation Engineering).
3. Technical Officer (Information and Database Management), [Reserved for OBC].
4. Office Assistant.
5. Technical Assistant – Group 1 [Reserved for SC].
6. Helper [Reserved for SC].

Program Positions (Viral Disease Biology):
1. Medical Research Scientist I (Virology and Disease Biology).
2. Medical Research Scientist II (Clinical Epidemiology).
3. Program Scientist-C (Molecular Biology/Virology).
4. Program Scientist-B (Systems Biology Theme).
5. Program Scientist-B (Biostatistics & Epidemiology).
6. Senior Research Fellow (Medical).

Contract Position:
1. Front Office Assistant.

Project Position:
1. Junior Research Fellow (Science Communication).

You have to apply in prescribed format along with attested copies of all relevant certificates may be submitted to the Director, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Poojappura, Thycaud PO, Thiruvananthapuram – 695014, Kerala, India on or before June 13, 2011.

For details please visit: http://www.rgcb.res.in/jobs.html