Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Faculty jobs at Central University of Haryana March-2012

Central University of Haryana (CUH)
Villages (Jant-Pali), Mahendergarh, Haryana 
Temporary Camp Office: Govt. B.Ed. College Building, Narnaul (Distt. Mahendergarh) Haryana
Applications are invited for faculty positions and Library staff for direct appointment or on deputation/ lien in Central University of Haryana :

  1. Professor : 08 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.37400-67000 grade pay Rs.10000
  2. Associate Professor :  14 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.37400-67000 Grade Pay Rs.9000
  3. Assistant Professor :  39 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 grade pay Rs.6000
  4. Dy. Librarian : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 grade pay Rs.8000
  5. Assistant Librarian : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 grad pay Rs.6000
Application Fee :  Application should be accompanied with a non-refundable demand draft Rs. 350/- for general category Rs. 250/- for OBC, Rs. 150/- for SC/ST/PH drawn in favour of the Central University of Haryana payable at Narnaul (Distt. Mahendergarh), Haryana. 
How to Apply :   The application duly filled in the prescribed form must reach the temporary Camp office
of the University on or before 30/04/2012 at the below given address :
Central University of Haryana, Temporary Camp Office, Govt. B.Ed. College Building, Narnaul (Distt. Mahendergarh), Haryana
Please visit http://www.cuharyana.org and kindly view Employment notice.(right side bar)