(A Government of India undertaking)
Head Office : 2, N. S. Road, Kolkata-700001
Allahabad Bank invites ONLINE applications from Indian Citizens for the following posts form the candidates who have taken the pre-requisite Common Written Examination (CWE) for Probationary Officers/ Management Trainees conducted by Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS), Mumbai in 2011-12 and have a valid Score card issued by IBPS. :
- Probationary Officer : 1600 posts (UR-800, SC-240, ST-128, OBC-432) (PH-100) in JMG-I Grade Rs. 14500 - 25700, Age : 20-30 years as on 01/07/2011.
How To Apply :Apply Online at Allahabad Bank website only from 18/02/2012 to 10/03/2012. After applying online, take a print out of the system generated registration details and keep it safely for future reference, do not send it to the bank.
Please visit http://www.allahabadbank.in/recruitment.asp for all the details, payment challan form and link to the online submission of the application.