Friday, 10 February 2012

Various jobs in HLL Lifecare Feb-2012

HLL Lifecare Limited 
(Previously Hindustan Latex Limited (HLL)) 

(A Government of India Enterprise)                    
HLL Lifecare Limited, a Mini Ratna Enterprise under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India is on the look out for dynamic, result oriented, performance driven professionals 
Deputy General Manager / Manager (Centre Manager)

  1. Deputy Manager/ Manager (Business Development)
  2. Assistant Manager  / Deputy Manager (Procurement)
  3. IT Executive
  4. Quality Manager
  5. Pathologist
  6. Radiologist
  7. Radiographer
  8. Staff Nurse - Male
  9. Administrative Assistant
  10. Research Interns 
 How o Apply : Apply Online on or before 22/02/2012 at Lifecare HLL website only.
Please visit  details information and a link to apply online.