(A Govt. of India Undertaking)
3, Middleton Street, P.O. Box. No.9229, Kolkata-700071
Recruitment of Administrative Officer
Applications are invited for the following 345 posts of Administrative Officer (Scale-I) :
- Administrative Officer (Specialist) : 145 posts (Engineering - 50, Health-30, Finance-25, Acturial-5, Legal-20, Investigator-15) (UR-79, SC-20, ST-12, OBC-34) (PWD-5)
- Administrative Officer (Generalist) : 200 posts (UR-110, SC-27, ST-15, OBC-48) (PWD-7)
Selection by competitive exam on 22/04/2012 followed by interview for selected candidates.
Application Fee : Rs.400/- (Rs.200/- for Female) (Rs.50/- for SC/ST/PWD) to be deposited in the nearest Indian Bank Branch to deposit the appropriate fees in Cash only in Account No. 6008050653 in favour of „National Insurance Co. Ltd‟.
How to Apply : Apply Online at National Insurance Website only from 20/02/2012 to 17/03/2012.
Please visit http://www.nationalinsuranceindia.com/nicWeb/nic/recruitmain.jsp for details and submission of application online.