NTPC Bhawan, Scope Complex, 7, Institutional Area, Lodhi road, New Delhi - 110003
NTPC is looking for 60 no. of Promising, Energetic Young Professionals with brilliant academic record to join NTPC as Executive Trainees in the areas of :
- Executive Trainees : 60 posts (Human Resources (HR) - 25, Finance - 35) (UR-23, OBC-15, SC-7, ST-15), Age : Upper Age limit is 29 years as on 21/03/2012
Application Fee : Deposit Rs. 500/- in any branch of SBI in A/c. no. 30987919993 at for General and OBC candidates (No fee for SC/ST/PH candidates) through pay-in slip available at the website.
How to Apply: Elgibile candidates have to apply only through Online registration system of NTPC from from 1300 hours of 01/03/2012 to midnight of 21/03/2012. After applying online, candidate is required to download the registration slip generated by the system with unique registration number. Candidates are required to keep the printout of the Registration slip which will be required at the time of Group Discussion and Personal Interview if short listed for.
Please visit http://www.ntpccareers.net/homehrfin.php for details and apply online from 1300 hours of 01/03/2012 to midnight of 21/03/2012.